Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Epiphany 6 January 2008

This Homily (15 minutes) given by Fr. Thomas Weise at the 5:30pm Mass. The magi come from the east representing all the nations coming to worship the new born king of the world. They offer gifts of Gold-for a king, Frankincense-for a priest and God, and Myrrh-for the lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. Let us pray that we may have the same eyes of faith that the magi have to see in the infant born to poor parents the savior of the world. When we can see Jesus in the poor, the political refugee, and the very people the dominate society considers the least, then we can see Jesus in everyone. The Lord has made manifest his presence among us.

Click here to stream this homily.

Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12.

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