Sunday, March 30, 2008

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) 30 March 2008

This Homily (17 minutes) was given by Fr. Thomas at the 8:30 am Mass. Thomas the Apostle finds proof of Jesus' Resurrection and New Life in the wounds that have become a sign of God's Glory. This can be a lesson for each of us. Life is messy. Each of us, in our our way, is broken, flawed, and wounded. It is probably safe to say that not one of us is completely happy with the choices we have made, nor the hand we have been dealt. And yet the miracle of the Resurrection ensures us that alongside all the ugliness and hurt, the sufferings and disappointments, dwells a loving God who lives in us and is glorified by the good we are able to do even in our brokenness. Maybe Thomas can challenge us to do recognize the Lord in the imperfections in ourselves and others.

The Divine Mercy image shows Gods unfathomable mercy flowing from the wounded side of Christ the Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.

Click here to listen to this homily.

Readings: Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 118; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

1 comment:

Emily Barnak said...

Fr. Thomas,
Thank you for encouraging me to check out the blog again. Your Easter sermon was beautiful--I especially liked the story of the vase, and the focus on finding God in our brokenness. It really spoke to me this morning, as I prepared for my day of studying.

I think I may share this sermon with the Syracuse JV's for a spirituality night.

Thanks for your energy and creativity,

Emily Barnak
Syracuse NY
Juneau JV 06-07