Sunday, May 13, 2007

Priest Retreat #2 May 2007 On the Importance of Joy

This Conference (55 minutes) by Fr. Pascal Cheline, OSB, is on the Importance of Joy in the Christian Life. We need Joy. We need to be joyful people. Our life witness must be joyful. A joyful believer is the greatest form of evangelism. Saints are not sour sad people of faith. Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God, and was seen in the lives of the saints. Joy shows itself as a quite inner enthusiasm for life.

1 comment:

mary said...

This retreat lecture on joy was excellent! Thanks for sharing these recordings with us.
Fr. Cheline seems to really embody his suggestions about joy! He gives some great definitions & lists too -- which is very exciting for listmakers & notetakers like me. I love his definition of joy: an inner, often "quiet," enthusiasm for life. The quiet reference is pretty cool and really adds to this definition; it helps make a distinction between moments of happiness (Wow, I totally love this hamburger!) and a more lasting joy based on our Christian belief and hope. Good stuff!

The recording quality seemed fine -- It gets a little distorted when everyone breaks into laughter, but I guess since this is a talk on JOY we can overlook that! :-)