Sunday, June 24, 2007

Nativity of John the Baptist 24 June 2007

This Homily (16 minutes) given by Fr. Thomas Weise at the 5:30 pm Mass explores the role of John the Baptist in preparing the way for the ministry of Jesus. John the Baptist has the unique role of being the one who prepares the people to hear the message of salvation for all people. We too must be like John and prepare our selves for the coming of the Lord through prayer and study. Then we can prepare others to hear the Word of God proclaimed by how we live our lives, what motivates us. Eating locust and honey may yet be easier than repenting of our sins and turning our lives over to God's will.

Readings: Isaiah 49:1-6, Psalm 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66, 80.

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