Saturday, September 15, 2007

ANC Priest Retreat 1 Introduction Sept 2007

This Conference (42 minutes) by Fr. Tom Ryan a Paulist from Washington DC introduces the Anchorage Priest Retreat held at the Holy Spirit Center on the theme "Savor Life by Embracing our Mortality." Fr. Tom tells the story of how the Buddha first learned about suffering. As a young man Siddhartha is visited by Old Age, Sickness, Death, and Separation. This retreat was really great experince for me to look at how precious and often short life is. As Gahndi sumed up his life "Renounce and Enjoy."

Fr. Thomas Ryan, CSP, a catholic priest and certified Kripalu yoga teacher, coordinates ecumenical and inter-religious relations for the Paulist community in the U.S. and Canada. His nine books include Reclaiming the Body in Christian Spirituality; The Sacred Art of Fasting; Four Steps to Spiritual Freedom; Prayer of Heart and Body; Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice; and Disciplines for Christian Living: Interfaith Perspectives.

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